Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Come Let Us Pray…. Urged by the Catholic Association of Bengal.


“Where two or three our gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Mathew 18:20)

Sunday 11th June 2023: The Catholic Association of Bengal organised an ‘All Faith Prayer Service’ at Don Bosco School Park Circus to specially remember and pray for the situation in Manipur and the families of the victims of the recent train accident in Orissa.

There were more than hundred people attending the service of quiet reflection and intercessory prayers by various religious sections. The program began at 4 p.m. Different religious and political leaders flocked to pray as one big community.

There were prayers for different intentions: For peace in the country, for leaders of our country, for inter-religious harmony, for the well-being of the leaders and the people of West Bengal, etc.We had religious leaders from various faiths who were invited to pray. Among them were representations from the Catholic Church, Armenian Church, Orthodox Church, Methodist Church, Assembly of God Church, Church of North India, FGS Kolkata Temple, Parsi Fire Temple, Sikh Community, Sindhi Community , Shia Community, the Muslim Community and Rama Krishna Mission. There were also Religious Sisters from QMS and Missionaries of Charity. Indeed, it was a wonderful and large representation of so many leaders of different faiths coming together under one roof praying for the same cause.

One cannot deny the presence of political leaders who left their busy schedule to pray together. We at CAB were honoured and privileged to have them in our midst. Among them we had the honourable MP Smt. Mala Roy, MP Janab Nadim- Ul -Haque, Honourable Minister of Disaster Management - Janab Javed Ahmad Khan, Vice-President of the TMC Jay Prakash Ma zumdar, former MP Imran Hasan and Dr. Qasim and honourable MLA Vivek Gupta. We also had the presence of Mr Shibuprasanum - the Chairman of the Heritage Committee and an artist by profession.

The Prayer Service was held to pray and to stir a deep devotion in this difficult time to beseech the mercy of God on our Mother Earth and specially our Beloved country India in general and West Bengal in particular.

The success of this prayer service goes to the President, Mrs Angelina Mantosh Jasnani and the Treasurer Mr. Colin Fitzgerald who took this initiative and worked tirelessly and selflessly, along with their EC members. We at CAB feel so blessed and thank God for uniting us as one big family irrespective of caste and religion, praying together for peace, harmony and brotherhood

Monday, 5 June 2023

Calcutta Archdiocese Speaks from the Heart

Kolkata 27 May 2023 - The Archdiocesan Social Communication Commission (ASCC) organised a Panel Discussion, "Speaking with the Heart," on the theme of World Communications Day, which was marked the previous Sunday.

The panellists for the discussion came from diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Sandra Singh, a retired teacher and Lay Missionary of Charity, has been actively involved in volunteering at the Emmaus Retreat Centre and teaching street children in Kolkata.

Father P.J. Joseph SJ, the Director of Chitrabani and former head of the Vatican Radio's English Service for South Asia, brought his expertise in media and communication to the panel. Mario Martin Louis, of St. Xavier’s University, who has also held senior positions in leading hospitals in Kolkata, and is also active in philanthropy.

Andrilla Mary Peterson, an MA in English and B.Ed. student , had previous leadership roles within the Church and is currently involved in the Parish Council and Synodal Team. Sister Monica Suchiang IBVM, a Loreto nun, currently the Director of Kolkata Mary Ward SocialCentre (KMWSC) and a strong advocate for women's rights.

The moderator for the panel discussion was the Reverend V. Gnana Peppin, a diocesan priest known for speaking from the heart. Father Peppin worked with youth for much of the 2 decades of priesthood and directs the family apostolate in the Archdiocese of Calcutta.

During the panel discussion, the participants spoke openly and shared their personal experiences , emphasising the role of love in communication. They expressed that love is essential in fostering empathy, understanding, and connection. When communication is grounded in love , individuals listen attentively, speak with kindness, and seek to understand others' emotions and perspectives. Love creates a safe and nurturing environment where communication flourishes, leading to deeper relationships and mutual respect.

The panel discussion was live-streamed for those who could not attend in person, and is also available for viewing on the Archdiocese YouTube channel. Mr. Farrell Shah, Archdiocesan Director for Social Communications, expressed gratitude to all the panellists for their active participation; and the Vicar General , V. Reverend Dominic Gomes, offered concluding remarks and blessed the event.

World Social Communications Day is an annual event observed by the Catholic Church to highlight the importance of effective and meaningful communication in fostering understanding, respect, and unity among individuals. By tradition Pope Francis delivers a powerful message setting the theme of the year on the Feast of Saint Francis de Sales – this time on 24 January 2023. "Speaking with the Heart," is this year’s theme and emphasises the need for authentic communication rooted in compassion, empathy, and love.

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