Saturday 8 June 2024


Hosea 4: 6 "My people will perish because of lack of knowledge."

On 25th May 2024 His Holiness Pope Francis addressing the general assembly of the pontifical mission societies insisted on a renewed commitment to the Second Vatican Council Constitutions on Sacred Liturgy, Light of the Nations, Word of God, and the Church in the Modern World. The purpose and mission of the Church is “making everyone know and live the 'new' communion that the Son of God made man has introduced into the history of the world” (Praedicate Evangelium, I, 4).

Following up on the success of 2023-24 Theology course Most Rev. Thomas D'Souza (Archbishop of Calcutta) and Father Dominic GomesVG (Director of Bible Commission) met with Rev. Fr. Dr. Henry Jose MSFS (Dean of Morning Star Regional Seminary) and the fruit of this meeting was the decision to structure the 'Theology for the Laity 2024-2025' course in line with the Holy Father Pope Francis's exhortation on the Constitutions of the II Vatican Council.

Theology for the Laity 2023-2024 course conducted by the Morning Star Regional Seminary faculty under the aegis of the Bible Commission concluded successfully on 24 April 2024. 58 lay members from our parishes completed the course with distinction and received their certificates at the hands of Archbishop Rev. Thomas D'Souza. This year-long course covered subjects such as Christology, Mariology, the Doctrine of the Trinity, sanctification through the Sacraments, Social Teachings of the Church, the fundamental principles of Catholic Liturgy, Lay Spirituality deals with the role of the Laity both in the Church and the society at large and much more.

From June this year the Bible Commission of Calcutta Archdiocese has started the process of training animators (from amongst the 2023-24 Course graduates) and forming Bible Cells in every parish with the aim of maintaining a continuity in theological teaching-learning process to ensure a spread in theological knowledge at the parish grassroots level.

To maintain the continuity of teaching-learning at the Diocesan level, the Bible Commission in association with Morning Star Regional Seminary, Barrackpore will commence the second year of “Theology for the Laity 2024-2025” course with an inauguration ceremony on Saturday 13 July 2024 at the Archbishop's House.

It is a reality that the Church in today's modern times is faced with a variety of challenges, both from within and without, that are temporal, spiritual, cultural and intellectual in nature. Besides, this our Holy Father Pope Francis has, through the Synodal process, exhorting the Church to live a Christian life in mission mode of service and hope in the world. The Church is the united body of Christ comprising the clergy, religious and lay faithful.

Today we have a large number of lay people, young and old, actively involved in the service of the Church and the communities at large through the Pastoral Commissions and various ministries of the parish action groups who also proclaiming the Word of God. Moreover, it is the laity who are truly immersed in the world of families, communities, work, and public life. In order to face these challenges, we need more and more lay Catholics who have sound theological knowledge of so as to the various aspects of the Faith be able to practice it meaningfully and fruitfully while engaging actively in the pastoral endeavors of the Church.

The lesson content for 2024 – 2025 course to be covered over a period of 32 days (classes) will provide an opportunity for the Laity to be well-informed on following subjects:

Besides an email letter to all Parish Priests from the Head of the Bible Commission, Father Dominic Gomes, the newly appointed Animators and other members of the Commission will be visiting the Parishes in the Calcutta Archdiocese to encourage the laity to register for the course. During the month of June, the Commission will also publicise this Course through posters, banners and flyers giving the subjects to be covered and other details of the course will be handed out for further information.

Archbishop Thomas D'Souza has announced that a course on 'Theology for the Laity' will be conducted by Morning Star Regional Seminary, Barrackpore in collaboration with Calcutta Archdiocese's Bible Commission headed by Father Dominic Gomes. From Morning Star, the course will be conducted and coordinated by Rector Revd. Fr. Dr. George Panthanmackel, MSFS; Dean of Theology Revd. Fr. Dr. Henry Jose, MSFS; and Dean of Philosophy Revd. Fr. Dr. Thumma Mariadas Reddy, MSFS.

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