The latest book from Pauline Publications. -ST JOSEPH SHADOW OF HEAVENLY FATHER was released on 14th July 2021, Wednesday at daughters of St Paul, Kolkata. Most Rev. Thomas D' Souza Archbishop of Kolkata released the honk during a short programme after the Eucluulstic Celebration. More would have been no other day that would match than Wednesday a day dedicated to St Joseph !Museum. The first copy of the book was presented to Mrs Dorin John:. one of the Pauline Co-operators by the Archbishop. The Book St Joseph: The shadow of the heavenly Father is a memento of die year of St Joseph. which portrays the exemplary life of St Joseph the Patron and Protector the Catholic Church. He remains a Lighthouse for all people -living in family, workplace and consecrated life showing us the right path to a Holy life. This book is an effort to take a claws and comprehensive look at St Joseph piecing together various aspects of his life through well researched articles and biblical theologies and Biblical experts bishops. priests, men and women tensions and laity (from many countries east and west.