Kolkata: In reference to the
proposed SCC National Convention,
Archbishop Thomas
D ’ S o u z a h a s w i l l i n g l y
expressed his consent to hold
the Convention in Kolkata in
2019. A Meeting was held on
16th April, 2018 together with
Dr. Fr. Thomas Vijay, SAC,
Secretary, NST for SCCs (CBCI),
Sr. Christin, HC, NST Member
and Sr. Gr a c ema r y, NST
Member. Archbishop Thomas,
the Chief Host, formulated and
h e a d e d t h e L o c a l C o -
ordinating Team for the SCC
National Convention. Fr.
Dominic Gomes, Vicar General
and SCC Coordinator for the
Kolkata Archdiocese, informed
the 22 Diocesan Service Team
(DST) members during the
meeting on 28 April at Archbishop’s
House, Kolkata that a
big National SCC Convention
will be held in Kolkata from
October 24 to 27, 2019. The
theme is: “The Prophetic Role
of SCC Today”. About 3000
people are expected to take
part from other Dioceses. They
will stay in the houses of the
people of Kolkata to interact
with them and form a wider
S C C C o m m u n i t y a n d
Fellowship. Transport will also
have to be arranged for them to
move around.
Already a preliminary Core
Group meeting was held on
16th April, 2018 , with
Archbishop Thomas D’Souza
of Kolkata in the Chair. Fr. Vijay
T h o m a s , N a t i o n a l S C C
Coordinator and Sr. Christin, H.
C., National Service Team
member were also present.
The following Committees
were formed at that meeting:
Local Coordinator: Fr. Dominic
Gomes; Registration: Fr. Robert
Johnson; Youth: Allan Kujur
and Rocky Gomes; Finance: Fr.
Moloy D'Costa and Joseph
Chacko; Reception: Sandhya
Vincent, Lidwina Alphonso and
I. N. Raju; Accommodation:
Anand Kujur; Liturgy: Sr.
Meena, Fr. Gregory and Sr.
G r a c e m a r y ; C u l t u r a l
committee: Cheryl Rodrigues;
Exposure: Fr. G. Peppin and Sr.
G u l a b ; Tr a n s p o rt a t i o n :
Dominic and Sybil Azavedo;
Catering: 1st and 3rd day Lunch
and Tea: Eugene Gonsalves and
Alexander Anthony; Health: Dr.
Mary D'Cruz and Dr. Sapna;
Sound Arrangement: (at the
Convention Centre) Clement
Gomes and Felix Thakur;
Ushers: Fr. Michael Biswas and Anancia Fernandes; Media:
Farrell Shah; and Security:
Denis Lakra. The Groups with
many bishops, religious and
laity will arrive on 24th of
October 2019. The programme
will be from 25th - 27th
Immediately, Fr. Dominic
said that all the Parishes will
have to have training programmes
and the passive animators
will also have to be awakened as
it was a huge task to be done
and it has to be done in a team
spirit with every Parish having
Training Programmes because
on 26th October, 2019, the
delegates will be taken to the
different Churches in Kolkata
where they will also witness
Gospel Sharing and inter-act
with the Parishioners forming a
big SCC family. For this reason,
the DST members were happy
that Parishes, where SCCs are
not active at present, will be
activated and so representatives
also came for the DST
meeting like Sontu Mondal -
Auxilium,; Sunita Mallick -
Fatima and Leonard Ryan and
Tony Rego - Infant Jesus, Behala.
Now the other dominant
Parishes will be contacted
again by Fr. Dominic.

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