All that we need to be good and effective pastors for the future. We are learning these skills in practical ways. We are growing in awareness of our role as future priests. Our priestly or religious leadership is essential in society to regulate human life. Our leadership skills should help in bringing people back to God. Our times are very challenging. We have with us three priests to help us in various ways at Proggaloy. We are having a thorough grounding into spiritual, human, intellectual, cultural and inter-personal relations through many interactions. Fr. Sunil, trained in psycho-spirituality and supervision is helping us to understand ourselves and the need to haave good and effective leaders in the Church. He has helped us with video spirituality, a methodology to interpret our context, various relevant themes and orientation in life. We are learning to speak English, interpreting the films and documentaries intelligently and its application to our own life in the present context. We give our personal views and reflections on the theme of the movie. We also enter into discussion on the current and relevant topics. This has helped us to know our perspectives in life. Our world views and how we should function as the leaders of the Church in future.
We clarify our doubts and certain problems during the sharing of our feedback. One of the emphasis during this orientation is to learn English effectively. Certainly, we feel happy that we have improved in our skills of spoken English. The movies based on real life help us to narrate them during the feedback session. We are challenged in our vocation to priesthood, We are aware of the challenging situations of the world and the demanding issues of disturbances, i.e. terrorism, sexual abuse, suicides in society and how to handle depressions. Online learning and effective use of computer or smart phone. Understanding Corona pandemic and how people worldwide are affected economically,socially,fighting Understanding Corona pandemic and how people worldwide are affected economically, socially, fighting joblessness, health issues etc. We are being helped in our English lessons by Mr. Vernon Williams, a parishioner of the Church of 0 L of Lourdes, Barasat. He is a teacher in Calcutta Boys' School. Every Sunday, he devotes his time to teach us English, to speak and to write correctly.
He organizes debates between two seminarians or in a group set up. Speaking about any particular topic of interest. We have learnt such skills during this one-month program. We are really happy and fortunate to be at Proggaloy with safe and sound atmosphere during this lockdown season. We are very fortunate to have Fr. Shyam Charan Mandi, Director, Proggaloy with us to help us to provide all our needs. We are also happy to have Fr. Xavier Kujur, Parish priest who offers masses once a week, he plays with us volleyball in the evening. He gives us opportunity to sing at Parish masses on Sundays. This way we have gained some pastoral experience during this pandemic. We the fourteen seminarians thank God for all we are learning at Proggaloy. It's our life time learning of skills.
This experience will help us further in our training during the following years and stages of formation. We, the Kolkata Seminarians are Mathew Bhanu Hansda, Mohan Peter Murmu, Lucas Mandi, Thomas Marandi, Sanju Mallick, Soumya Haider, Sunil Murmu, Ranjit Besra, Ashish Sanga, Nitish Kerketta, Josias Dung dung, John Bengamin and SashitTete. Profoundly, we express our gratitude to His Grace, Archbishop Thomas D'Souza, who made this arrangement to learn and discover new ways to cite time learning of skills. this experience will help us further in our training during the following years and stages of formation. We, the Kolkata Seminarians are Mathew Bhanu Hansda, Mohan Peter Murmu, Lucas Mandi, Thomas Marandi, Sanju Mallick, Soumya Haider, Sunil Murmu, Ranjit Besra, Ashish Sanga, Nitish Kerketta, Josias Dung dung, John Bengamin and SashitTete.
Profoundly, we express our gratitude to His Grace, Archbishop Thomas D'Souza, who made this arrangement to learn and discover new ways to know God, and how He is present in our lives. He has given us the placement, during his visit on July 8. As soon as there is possibility to move out to our next stage of formation, we are excited to go. Four of us will be going for Regency and ten others (five each) will be joining Philosophy course at Morning Star Regional Seminary and Dimapur respectively. We thank God for this holistic formation program under the guidance of Fr. F. Sunil Rosario. In many different ways, he has been instrumental to make us true future shepherds according to the heart of Jesus Christ.
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